Traveling with the motorbike (part 3): what do we take with us?

What do we take with us?

As mentioned in part 2, it makes a big difference whether you go camping or stay overnight in hotels. And certainly if you are driving as a duo, you will need to chose what should and should not be included in the luggage.

Here a picture titled “What to take with us” of our trip to Corsica in 2015, from my travel companion Wim with his V-max. Also take a look at his “top case”.

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Traveling with the motorbike (part 2): preparing the route

Preparing the route

In part 1 we stopped to explain how to prepare the route.

Now we will go a little further into this. Preparing the route in detail is the most time-consuming part of the preparation. However, by doing this extensively you will have it a lot easier during the trip itself, all you can look up in advance you don’t have it to do along the way. So be sure to take the time to prepare your route properly!

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Motorbike event calendar, ride-outs, MotoGP, Biker meetings, Track days…

2018 Motorbike event calendar starts to take shape and with its 200 events so far it is already well filled.

Whether you want to consult the MotoGP calendar or would like to plan a motorbike ride or biker meeting, you will find it here.

You have a day off and would have liked to go on a circuit for a track day, the largest organizations are already mentioned in the calendar.

If you (or your club) organized a meeting or a tour, do not hesitate and add them to the calendar via this link.


Kalender Motor treffens

The calendar is offered to you by KGL Racing


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